Jay W. Twilley
I am a 37 years old, single, red haired, bodacious Viking with crystal blue eyes. My birthday is 11/4/59. I am 6 ft. tall and in real good shape as I try my best to stay healthy by working out regularly. I'm from Sacramento and love the mountains and the ocean. I enjoy riding motorcycles, boating and spending quality time with close friends. I miss all that and I'm looking forward to my release in February of 1998.
I am a sincere and honest man looking for quality pen pals to share ideas, experiences and interesting stories with. Also, if you are a woman looking for a little romance or a serious relationship I would love to hear from you. Red haired welcomed!
Please write to:
P.O.BOX 1030 A5-129
SOLEDAD, CA. 93960-1030
Or E-mail to:
I look forward to hearing from you!