My name is Duncan Staggs. I'm 27 years old, and confined here in the deepest bowels of hell, also known as ad-seg in the House of Pain, the Eastham Unit. I'm 4' 8", and I'm confined as a direct result of my height. You see, I couldn't run fast enought. :) Just kidding!!!
Actually I am a little over 6' 2", a solid 200 lbs., dirty blond hair, brown eyes...and if it matters, pretty heavily tattooed. I'm 27 years old, single, never married, no kids & serving time on a delivery rap. I've been down here since I was 21...and anticipate to be released 9-98!!! The tale leading to my incarceration is a long and wild one...which I wouldn't mind sharing, but the bottom line is I was living fast, trying to take a short cut in life, got caught & now I'm paying the price.
I'm into physical & mental fitness & really into creative expression and creativity in general. I'm interested in all mediums of art...I like anything all the way from Rembrandt to Salvador Dali, Gianlorenzo Bernini to Christo, Jack Rudy to Paul Booth...or Jim Morrison to Ozzy...and consequently, those are some of my favorites. The photo below is a drawing I did of my brother & the family dog is an example of my work. I tend to do a lot of black work, as it's the favorite here, and the quality mediums for color work are hard to come by here.
I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who has anything cool to say, words of encouragement or advice, and especially creative ideas, pictures, poems, stories, share. As well as anyone interested in purchasing some original art, be it a portrait, tat-2 design, or whatever. Satisfaction guaranteed, and your imagination is your limitation.
As stated above, I imagine I will be released 9-98, and it's been a pretty long road. When I am released, I plan on living life clean, sober and experiencing it all to the fullest!!! I hope to get a job in a reputable tat-too shop, or some other means of commericial art, and getting the heck out of this crazy state A.S.A.P.!!! Soooo, anyone who thinks they might have some helpful advice on successful living, or leads to employment in the art department., I want to hear from YOU!!! In the meantime...I remain, w/absolutely all my honor and respect at:
Or e-mail me here: